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How to combine the day's routine and work tasks management

The difficulties start when we try to do everything without having a plan. In this article, we'll tell you how to seamlessly combine your daily routine and work tasks, and how Voiset can help you do it.

September 27, 2024

time management
auto planning
ai tools
Workflow organisation for ADHD

How to incorporate a daytime routine into task management

Most professionals can easily list the tasks they are currently working on. They can prioritize them and even assign deadlines for implementation. Approximately the same approach should be to the daily routine. There is no way to undo it. Dirty dishes will still appear, light bulbs will still burn out, and shower gels will still run out.

task management

‍5 steps to incorporate a daytime routine into task management

1. Make a list of all the chores that need your attention every day.

Include here all those tasks that are somewhat difficult for you. For example, loading the dishwasher, ironing shirts, taking care of shoes, etc. If some tasks, like brushing your teeth and taking a shower, don't require any effort because you do them automatically, then don't put them on this list;

2. Prepare a list of tasks that you need to do during the week.
For example, order groceries on Wednesdays, buy a carton of specialty coffee on Tuesdays, go to the laundromat on Saturdays, etc.

3. Make a list of things you need to do during the month.
For example, pay your gas and electricity bills, visit a barbershop, etc.

4. Identify those things that you do infrequently but regularly.
For example, getting your car serviced, changing tires, buying a new pair of seasonal shoes, etc.

5. Add all of these activities to your schedule.
The easiest way to do this is to use Voiset's voice input feature. Dictate each task, define the right day for it and you're done! In front of you, is a schedule that already has a place for all the day's chores!


πŸ’₯ By the way, if you find it hard to choose the right day for any of your tasks - trust the auto-scheduling in Voiset. It will analyze your workload and find the best day for each task.


Small habits, big changes: forming a daily routine

There's a reason we said a little earlier that you don't need to put on your daily to-do list those automatic actions that have already become part of your life. Habit frees us from the need to spend any effort on the daily routine. And the more of these habits we have, the easier life is.

Often the most organized people in the household are those with a huge number of automatic actions. They are used to loading the dishwasher and turning it on at night, wiping down the sink before bed, and rinsing the bathtub after themselves. On automatic at the store, they throw toilet paper, paper towels, and shower gel into the cart. They have repeated these actions so many times that they will be uncomfortable skipping them!


Voiset is the foundation of your daily routine and a way to build habits

When you start to follow the composition of the Voiset list, including the whole daily routine, then through some time will notice that reminds you already and do not need it. You automatically go to the laundromat on Saturdays and the car wash on Sundays. When you realize that you do some things automatically, you can remove them from your Voiset task list.



How quickly do habits form? The most common belief is that it takes 21 days/repeat. However, there are several studies saying that this number can vary up or down. So just observe how often you turn to reminders of what to-dos in your daily routine are left undone. When you realize that you would have done all your daily tasks without reminders, you've developed habits!


How habit trackers and task management apps work together

Habit trackers work by reminding you to do something. You perform the action, mark it as done, and so it goes on until you develop a habit. Interestingly, task management apps pair well with habit trackers. However, in the case of Voiset, habit trackers become completely unnecessary.


Make a list of the main chores that make up your life and add it to Voiset. It will remind you of each of the tasks on the list. You'll be able to mark the task completed in the same way you do with habit trackers. It's convenient, because you don't have to use one app for your daily routine and another for work tasks.

You can organize your entire life, all aspects of it, with just one app - Voiset.




Optimize your daily tasks: use your time efficiently

AI Task Manager

1. Don't do everything at once

The principle of β€œall at once” has nothing to do with a well-organized household. The moment you've finished cleaning for 10 hours, the chaos starts to return. A dirty coffee mug is about to appear on the table, cat hair on a cleaned pillow, and fall leaves in a sparkling living room. Because of this, the best principle for minimizing chaos is to do a little bit each day.


πŸ’₯ Allocate time in your schedule for all those chores that help keep your household running. It's better to find half an hour every day than five hours on the weekends. In a clean space, it's easier to fall asleep, easier to live, and more efficient to create.


2. Optimize daily tasks

They can be β€œdelegated” to technology, at least partially. Buy a good robot vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function, use a smart home system, dishwasher, etc. Anything that can make your daily routine easier and reduce the time you spend doing it is not a waste, but an investment in your free time.

If you are a family man, delegate several responsibilities to family members. Determine exactly who is responsible for what and set up a schedule. If you live alone, and can not manage to do all the chores - think about the services of incoming cleaning. It's an investment in your comfort.


Try task management with Voiset

With Voiset you can maximize the efficiency of your daily tasks. Proper time management will give you a few extra hours per day, which you can use for your daily routine or hobbies.


Once you try Voiset, you will see that your whole life can be organized with impeccable logic: your work and even your daily chores. You will be able to form the necessary habits and make your life much easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. And isn't that a great reason to get to know Voiset now?
